Monday Morning Mitzvah starts today!
Every Monday (unless I decide to skip one), I will be giving
away books by other authors.
Today starts with one of my favorite books, and the one book
that inspired me to write novels. It’s called The Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing. This book was published in
2000, and was a HUGE pioneer in the women’s fiction genre.
It’s packed with angst, humor, drama and cleverness, and I
can’t say enough good things about it. The writing is very atypical, and that’s
what I love about it.
If you’d like to enter to win a Kindle copy of this book,
you may leave your email here in the comments section, or on the One Pink Line Facebook page.
Please click the 'join this site' button on the right to follow my blog, and check back every Monday for my next giveaway!
Would love to read this book.Lomazowr@gmail.com