Exciting news! Amazon has chosen The
Unimaginable as one of four Kindle First books for the month of November
in the U.S. and the U.K. What does that mean? Let me break down the awesomeness
for you:
If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can read
this book for FREE, right now, a month before it’s official release.
If you’re not a Prime member, you can join the
Kindle First program and read it right now for $1.99.
If you want to wait until the official release
date of December 1st, you can pre-order the paperback ($10.99) or the eBook
CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR COPY: http://www.amazon.com/gp/digital/kindle/first/ref=product_botm_browse_pblearnmore
you’ll get your hands on this book one way or another. Enjoy this amazing story!!!